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For over 30 years, we have hosted 4th grade students at our camp who travel to Coloma and Sacramento to learn about the Gold Rush and California history. We offer students a unique opportunity to learn from professional interpreters and historians about what life was like back in the 1800s during the California Gold Rush through interactive and educational programs such as gold panning, pioneer life skills, Native American presentations, pioneer toy making, and more. When students come to EarthTrek on one of these programs they also will be served delicious kid-friendly meals and have the option to camp overnight in our cabin tents. Students will get the chance to learn history outside the walls of a classroom in the very place it happened and also partake in a memorable camping experience. The state park where gold was discovered is less than a mile drive away which makes it extremely convenient to visit the state park from our facility. 


If your school is interested in learning more about what we have to offer, please reach out to us. Please note we have a 30 person minimum for the program. Parents are also welcome to accompany their child(ren) on the trip. Our Gold Rush Living program is only offered March through early June and typically in early October if space is available. 

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